Uptale Resource Center

Whitepapers, infographics, case studies and webinars
dedicated to corporate VR Training & Immersive Learning

Discover our publications to help you acquire best practices about VR training.

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Client Testimony

Improving training and recruitment in the pharmaceutical industry using VR

Logo Stellantis Blanc

Client Testimony

From Excel to Virtual – Digitize 150 workstation training with Uptale

EPC LOGO blanc

Client Testimony

How EPC Group has internationalized its VR deployment with Uptale


Case Study

Site induction made easy with Uptale

logo saint gobain
logo lenovo

Case Study

Helping employees develop
valuable skills through
immersive VR experiences​

Client Testimony

Promoting Active Pedagogy through Virtual Reality

ithaca college white

Case Study

[EN] Smarter enhances Learning with Virtual Reality


Post COVID-19: Immersive Learning
at the heart of digital strategies


Essential practices to stay safe when conducting VR training sessions

Case Study

Immersive Learning for sales team & animal health: Royal Canin

Case Study

Immersive Learning for Recruitment and Safety training: Randstad Group Case

Case Study

Immersive Learning in Automotive Industry: Stellantis Case


Immersive Learning: The next big thing in Corporate Training

Case Study

Site induction made easy with Uptale

Case Study

Helping employees develop valuable skills through immersive VR experiences

Saint-Gobain case study with Lenovo & Uptale

Case Study

Ithaca College Case Study

Early in 2018, the college started exploring additional opportunities around both augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), and how it could integrate those experiences with traditional teaching.

Livre blanc

Post Covid-19 : L'Immersive Learning au cœur de la stratégie digitale des entreprises


Les bonnes pratiques d'hygiène pour assurer vos formations en Réalité Virtuelle

White paper

Post Covid-19: Immersive Learning at the heart of digital strategies


Essential practices to stay safe when conducting VR training sessions

Use Case

Immersive Learning for sales teams & animal health:
Royal Canin​

Use Case

Immersive Learning for Recruitment and Safety training: Randstad Case

Case Study

Immersive Learning in the Automotive Industry - Stellantis Group


Immersive Learning: The next big thing in Corporate Training​

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